NC Defense Asset Inventory and Target Industry Cluster Analysis (2020 Udate)
A study led by the Defense Alliance of NC (DANC) and conducted by RTI International (RTI) and the NC Department of Commerce has found that NC is among the fastest growing states in the nation for technology areas being targeted by the Department of Defense (DoD).
1. Autonomous Systems
2. Advanced Manufacturing
3. Data & Knowledge Management
4. Human Performance
5. Materials
6. Power
The results of the study will support efforts to:
Develop strategies to grow and sustain high-priority industry clusters
Create jobs by connecting North Carolina entities, including traditional and non-traditional defense contractors, to opportunities in DoD’s key growth areas
Create jobs by recruiting new companies and military elements to North Carolina
Market North Carolina’s strengths in key areas and start building a statewide brand as a defense industry leader
Market the organizations available to support NC entities in connecting with the defense marketplace
The study included insights from DoD strategies and experts, a core working team, and NC companies.